Thursday, July 25, 2013

Video review

1. I choose these two videos because they interested me. The Mystical North: Spanish Art from the 19th Century to the Present and Cubism both interested me because cubism is a very flat style and I wrote about it for my discussion forum and learning about the Spanish artists who created cubism as well with the other video.
The Mystical North: Spanish Art from the 19th Century to the Present
·        Juan Gris’s process in creating his art which is based in spiritual elements and his imagination
·        Marcel Duchamp experiments with representing movement of figures with elasticity through dark, oblique angles.
·        Duchamp uses controlled motion in a fixed setting
·        Learns about the many things that Delaunay used to create this work such as perspective and different views
·       Delaunay uses light and color to guide the spectator in circular forms
·       Kazimir Malevich creates cubist style without cubist subjects
·        Goya is considered the father of modern art through 80 etchings that he left.
·        Goya is a very dark man who focuses on dark subject matter including witches, violence, devil worship and death.
·        The sagrada famillia is being ruined by modern attempts to complete it
·        Gaudi designed many buildings such as apartments among other things
·       Pablo Picasso’s art is based on carnal desires knowledge and experiences yet many of his paintings are religious in nature.
·       Dali claims that his museum is the world’s largest surreal object
·       An art liberation occurred in Spain after Francisco Franco died
2. The video relate to the text because they are corresponding to the text sub-topics. We have topics on cubism, dada and surrealism in the book and then we have videos on those styles. These videos will provide us with a wholesome knowledge or comprehensive knowledge by the end of watching the videos and reading the text.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts? I thought the videos were a tad long and drawn-out for having to watch 4 of them this week instead of the normal two but otherwise they were informative. They really did add to my knowledge base on cubism and about Spain’s production of the artists that changed modern art forever. I learned more about cubism than I got from just the short passage from the book which is the whole reason why I watched the video. Cubism is interesting because it draws away from conventional methods and realism.

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