Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art
· Lowbrow means someone lacking in taste or uncultivated.
· They explain the origin or the word and that Robert Williams
came up with it.
· People like this art more because of it being influenced by
pop culture, car culture and folk art.
· There were times when galleries would not display this kind
of art and the artists went through a tiki phase in the 1950s-1960s.
· In Vancouver, the first lowbrow art gallery opens.
Modern Art: The Tate Approach
· Discussed the art display model and how they are displayed
in museums.
· Idea of suiting the museum space to the featuring art is
established by the Tate Modern.
of Contention: Native American Archaeology
· Archeologists take Native American bones and don’t rebury
them when found.
· You can be charged with criminal possession of Native American
· Samuel Morton’s studies try to compare intelligence to brain
size, so the skulls of N.A. are kept in museums.
· Smithsonian has 18,000 Native American bones.
· N.A. are stripped of their identity in U.S. boarding schools
in the early 20th century.
Acquiring Mind: Philippe de Montebello and The Metropolitan
· He believes that an exhibit must be complete and show the entirety
of the subject otherwise one must not do it.
· Acquiring art is a lengthy and educational process.
· Conservation is the next step with art curation, they use
modern and ancient techniques to preserve art.
· Use many techniques to preserve art including water immersion
and x-rays.
· There is an Egyptian temple in the museum in the western world.
· The metropolitan
Museum has one of the most comprehensive art collections in the world.
2. The answer to this question is a
yes and no. While some videos relate to the project, some do not. Bones of
contention and the lowdown on Lowbrow do not relate to the art curation project
at all. Then the An acquiring mind video and the Displaying modern art do relate
to the project because of their insider knowledge of how the museums are set up,
the steps taken and how it is decided which steps are taken.
3. I enjoyed the films, especially
the last one about the metropolitan museum greatly. They do add some depth to
the concepts learned about in the course and the two videos will aid greatly in
the curation of the art project I am doing.
The video about the metropolitan, on a side note, has made me seriously
consider going to NYC to see the exhibits.
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